Chernihiv Region Charity



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October 17, 2012.
Practical Phase

Two police officers, two cadets and twenty two university students took part in the sixth training the trainers for CHOICE substance abuse prevention program on the 17 of October 2012. They already successfully completed a Theoretical Phase of the Training and just started a practical one. Experience of trainers who already conducted CHOICE in the previous academic year is an irreplaceable asset. That is why each of the teams of trainers that will go to ten schools in November will include an experienced leader.

Olya Petrenko and Anya Polova showed a master class in conducting the CHOICE lesson #1 – “Alternative and Choice”. Olya Ses, Diana Niporka and Natasha Pakryshen demonstrated specifics of the lesson #2 – “Risks”, where the game “Take a Guess” is a main tool for delivering message on nature of risk.

There also was an energizer, thanks to which trainees managed to learn more about each other. The event was supported by the USA Embassy in Ukraine. The training was conducted by Valeriy Ryabukha, Substance Abuse Prevention Expert of the Chernihiv Region Charity “Aratta”