Chernihiv Region Charity



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November 13, 2012.
Presentations of CHOICE in Odesa.

Having a goal to distribute Chernihiv experience on evidence based substance abuse prevention among youth and following common work in the area, Valeriy Ryabukha, SAP expert of Chernihiv Region Charitable Organization “Aratta”, has conducted a series of presentations of CHOICE in Odesa. Particularly on 13 November 2012 there was a meeting in the NGO “Faith, Hope, Love”, led by Tetyana Semykop.

In 14 November, thanks to Valeriy Pakhomov, Head of the NGO “To Future without AIDS” there was a round table for partners who worked in the sphere of prevention. Among participants there were Humphey Program alumni Tetyana Kyriyazova and Oleksandr Neduzhko.

In 15 November Chernihiv experience was introduced at a regional seminar of Network of Schools of Health. The event took place in the premises of Odesa School #68, where Yuriy Polovnyak is the Principal. According to a survey conducted among seminar participants 87% of them believe that prevention programs must be implemented at schools. 13% say it would be relevant and no person says it would be unnecessary.

In 16 November a presentation of CHOICE is going to take place in Odesa Law Lyceum. The events were supported by the USA Embassy in Ukraine.