Chernihiv Region Charity



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January 12, 2019.
Carols Holiday

Malanka is an annual traditional festival and a theatrical event. This year it took place at “Aratta” on January 12 with an active participation of the young actors of Theatrical club. The children sang carols and threw seeds according to a folk Ukrainian tradition.

The hostess invited the carolers to the hospitable house for bread, salt and for the Holy Supper. During the holiday the children staged Christmas traditions of their grandfathers and great grandfathers.

The carolers came to the house with a traditional musical composition "Good evening to you, the host."

The festive mood was increased by Christmas songs. Children in national costumes sang carols, sowed grain and desired health, wealth and all sorts of good things to the masters. Many songs sounded, the children recited poetry and played active games. The parents also were not bored - they competed in knowing mysteries, symbols and jokes. Everyone was very happy with the festival.

The theater attracts and develops. The young actors recreated the atmosphere of a true winter religious holiday. All these and, of course, the sweets that “Aratta” volunteers prepared, made an unforgettable impression on the children and all participants.